Sunday, August 22, 2010

i need to pee.

i clearly am just not cut out for this blogging stuff. i just remember i have one of these things. so why not write in it?! oh the excitement!

so my summer has been filled with swimming and SAT and PSAT prep. lovely. i got those princeton review books from borders. except theyre f-in HUGE. i swear. i will not be finishing those things by the end of summer. and i actually kind of feel bad about it. i mean, i would like to do well on things like the SAT.

more news of this summer? well.
the guy i liked for the past year (who i think ive talked about before) and i have hooked up.
multiple times.
im honestly not sure what it means. it might just be hookups. i dont even know if i myself want anything more than that. itd be nice, yeah. but only for the sake of having a boyfriend and not because i actually want HIM as my boyfriend. FWB for now... :)
he honestly is kind of an ass sometimes. a few of my friends think hes a tool. idk what to think. whatever.

ive also started reading the his dark materials trilogy. goodstuff!
speaking of books, whatever happened to the last book in the eragon series? i swear. by the time that thing comes out, ill have forgotten EVERYTHING that happened in the first 3. and im not about to reread those giant things.

harry potter anyone? yea. cant wait for november...
my friend is in florida right now. she gets to go to the theme park. could i BE more jealous?! could i BE wearing any more clothes?!?! (FRIENDS)

well, im pretty sure thats i have to ramble about for now.
tata, all. i must go pee.