Monday, December 22, 2008

ahh. highschool.

well, i havent written in a while. but now im in highschool. fun ehh?? ha. not. id kill to be in middle school again. does anyone else think that society is almost corrupt? like youre in highschool so you can be evaluated and then you have a final 'test' to see if youre into college and then you may proceed to be 'successful'. if you dont do well in high school, well then. fuck life. youre screwed. this is how i feel. it is not fun. i had a C in math last quarter (now i have an A) bu no matter what im gonna have a B on semesters. but this is seriously b.c. of our math teacher. he sucks. im not even like trying to push blame on other people, this man cannot teach. whatsoever. and in english i had a B+ last quarter and ive got an A- so far. and i totally just got a C on a bio test. seriously, i dont think anyone got an A on that one......people were like failing left and right. so not my fault there either. and you may think these are actually pretty good grades but once again. im asian. LJSHDJHWIEDKSDJN. god. this is very very stressful. like, now ik im gonna have like 1 or 2 B's on semesters and if i want to get into a good college, that is not gonna look too fantastic. i did not get off to the greatest start freshman year. oh well. its almost winter break. thats good. gosh. this is all i have to say for now. 
oh and i like this guy. 
who i have no idea if he likes me back.