Monday, November 5, 2007

10-5-07 ....hhhhmmmmmm

so today was another day at school. mostly a bad day.... we were starting, eclipse ball in gym (using wooden rackets, a badmitton net and a rubber ball larger than a tennis ball, about the size of 3-4 tennis balls) and my gym teacher wanted to demonstrate to the class how to play and she picked me and 2 other ppl to get up and demonstrate real quick. so i was on one side with another person, gym teacher and other person on the other side. by the way, i play tennis, with lower nets and the ball bounces differently and a lot of other differences. so the ball bounced to my side and i was gonna hit it forhand, i got all ready and swung, like it was tennis, and i totally MISSED it, and everyone laughed. IT WAS TERRIBLE, so embarassing. its a good thing i dont blush. i think im over ben. i just need to stop thinking about him and try to avoid him. b/c im pretty sure i like danny. im just so confused. im not totally sure if i like danny.

1 comment:

READmyMIND said...

Hi. Me again. Your friendly fellow teenager to the rescue. As far as I can tell, you really need to ride this thing with Danny. Don't go out of your way to impress him, but don't be rude. Be nice, but dettached. Care, but don't be clingy. See if he will come to you.